Some tubs only go to 100 degrees while others can go higher than 104° F? Some are able to be "after market" hot wired so it goes beyond the factory set maximum temperature.

The newest hot tubs do not go over 104 degrees which is considered the maximum safe for adults. Some of the lower end tubs I have found can vary about three to four degrees so if I set my tub at 101 degrees, then it could be at 105 degrees. Many of the thermostats are not accurate over time but usually accurate right when you get the tub.

Many people want to keep their tub hot all the time but don't wanna pay the electricity bill. No on in the hot tub industry recommends to lower the temperature right after you get out of the hot tub and jack the temperature up right before you get in. This will just wear out the heating elements and age the circuit board which costs more in the long run instead of using more electricity. The only time to turn it down is if going on a vacation. This is why having a good quality spa cover that is super insulated is best for keeping in the heat especially in cold climates.

​Note: Some tubs can go over 104 degrees and it is not the fault of a uncalibrated thermostat. Yes, it says 106 degrees when you set it at 104 degrees. The reason many people don't know is that on some tubs when the high speed pumps have been running way to long, it can generate heat from the motor. If run to long, just say more than 30 minutes or even 20 minutes on some models, it can overheat the water from so much heat coming off the motor.
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