Scam: Beware of plumbing systems that are prone to leakage. It's a nightmare to fix a broken pipe and very costly. Uni-pipes are a thing of the past. They still make them but the new pipes that are coming out now are two intertwined pipes. One is "designed" for air and the other is "designed" for water. If you can afford not to get a plumbing system with a uni-pipe, you will have less chances of leakages. Expect to pay a lot more for twice as many pipes. Until now, their have been separate pipes for air and water but they weren't designed for air or water. It was just one type of pipe. This kept the costs down.

The hot tub that delivers the maximum water flow with the highest longevity will either have the best components or the best engineering or both. A hot tub can have poor engineering but quality components and have great water flow or it can have great water flow but have inferior components but great engineering. 

Depending on how it is used, knowing which hot tubs have better components and better engineering comes in handy. Some hot tub companies advertise that they have these special motors and pumps that are really powerful and are the "best" for water flow. Yea, sure they do!!!!

Water Care: Many hot tubs are nothing but an eyesore and a breeding ground for mosquitos. You can keep your your hot tub clean by using chlorine, ozone generators, and many made up ways. Some methods add impurities to your skin. HOT WATER OPENS THE PORES WHICH MAKES YOU ABSORB ANY TOXINS FROM THE WATER. This is not a scare tactic, it true. This is why the body absorbs toxins from municipal water when taking hot showers but when taking a cold shower, the body doesn't absorb toxins. This is why I shower with a shower filter when taking hot showers. 

It is necessary to balance the type of cleaners with the mineral buildup these cleaners produce. Mineral scaling from cleaning chemical can damage even the highest grade components in the hot tub. Be aware that damages from scaling are not usually covered by warranties. A strong acidic chemical that will break up the scaling is necessary if you use the cleaning agents that create scaling. Many of the cleaners now have added polymeers to coat the minerals that would normally cause scaling but these agents can add impurities to the water that your body will absorb.

Before buying a hot tub, find out your water source. I can help you can find out your local water report here or you can look it up on the national database for your area.

Water should naturally be slightly hard. Most people want a softer water and they add water softeners. I am so against water softeners its not even something I want to talk about or I will end up writing a book. The heating elements can scale over when using water softeners. I think that focusing on lowering the millivolt level of the water will preserve the heating elements and remove impurities as well. This helps keep the slime levels down. I cannot stand that nasty, pinkish slime.

As I mentioned, a hot tub can be a breeding ground for mosquitos, the hot tub has an internal flora of its own. One must balance the toxic chemicals to eliminate the flora as too many chemicals can damage our skin and our hot skin can absorb these chemicals. A toxic hot tub is not a good thing nor is a super sanitized hot tub good. Also, different water cleaners affect the pH of the water. A highly acidic hot tub is not good either nor is water that is too alkaline that can pull minerals from the body.

High/Low VS Dial Settings
Some people want power on full force every time they go in and some people, depending on who is in the tub or what the reason for having a dial setting is, some tubs have both options. It is cheaper to buy components for every jet, motor, pump in the tub if it has high and low settings. If you want to talk on the phone you might want to lower the settings.

Massage Quality:
Everyone usually prefers a different mix of air and water. It is much easier to relax when it is quieter and the more expensive jets are quieter and powerful. 

You may want to know your water source before buying a hot tub. If you don't know, we have a link on our home page here.
Hot Tub  
Water Cautions
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Acidity and disease is always associated with un-structured water.
People are getting sick in their own hot tubs
Big Fat jets VS Pin-Hold jets
This means… deep tissue massaging jets vs surface stimulation…

One type gets your skin stimulated which is good for rejuvenation and circulating blood but only on the surface. But the real value of getting a tub that has the best type of these jets is if it can work in a milking motions where its not just shooting out but in cycles or twirling jets that pulse. Just having a light surface pressure that is not pulsed can just increase blood flow to the area (inhibiting the area). Pulsing can create the negative pressure and create the hydraulic pump to open up the one way valves in the vessels under the surface of the skin and then close them after it pulses. This is what many poorly educated massage therapists don't do and just do deep tissue massage because the person requested it. In my mind it's such a scam. I have not had a deep tissue massage since I investigated the real reason that deep tissue massage came about. 

The other type of jets gives the deep tissue massage that if the water output is adjusted to a lower level, it is what gets the lymph moving around. It's not good to do both at the same time as the one way valves are compressed or they are not compressed. Most people overlook this type of massage and end up paying the consequences.
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