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Winter VS Summer 
Hot Tubs
What's comfortable to me might not be for everyone. I sleep in a rock hard Biomat. My partner can't fall asleep at all on it. By the way, after I get out of the hot tub and my core temperature is at least 2 degrees higher, I try to maintain at least 1 degree higher all night on the Biomat. It sucks getting out of the tub all relaxed and going into a cold bed. (I have plenty of demo Biomat Minis for anyone that wants to try one for free. I will not charge you a penny to use it. Call me for details. (yes, its really free. NO Bull shit!) You might just like it better than your hot tub :)

The seat determines how comfortable your hot tub session is. Some have curves and are contoured just right for your body and others you might need to be taller or shorter to be comfortable in it. Some people want an arm rest out of the water. Some people want to read their book while others want to keep their hands in the water. Make sure you experience hydrophilic water so you don't feel like a prune when you get out. The infused stones and medallions cost me pennies each. Literally a penny for each one.

On some hot tubs the jets hit just where you want it around your neck and others you have to sit up more and can't sit in a relaxed position if you want your neck massaged as it is only hittig your shoulders as you are too tall.
​Some seats put pressure more on the body than others. Some lounge seats your legs are on the floor and others elevated several inches.

On my hot tub quiz, please let me know your height or the heights of the 2 people using the tub the most. Some seats cause some people to float off while others keep the people in place. I personally like 2 lounge seats side by side.

The water quality also makes a difference on how the water feels on your skin. Hydrophilic hot tubs tend to let the body absorb water while hydrophobic tubs do the opposite. If the pool is full of chemicals its better for me not to be in a tub where my body is going to absorb more of the chemicals. I strongly recommend infusing your hot tub at least once a week. It takes about 8 to 10 minutes depending on how strong it is. You get that good tingly feel that feels great.
...because every company told me their tub was the best
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...because every company told me their tub was the best
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